Google, tata sponsored call girl, robber, fraud raw/cbi employees have continued with their internet connection fraud for 9 years

While applying for an internet connection, the ISP will ask for identity proof.
In a clear indication of the widespread fraud in the indian internet sector since 2010, the Google, tata sponsored call girl, robber, fraud raw/cbi employees are involved in massive internet connection fraud, falsely claiming to own the internet connection of a private citizen when they have not applied for it and are not paying any expenses at all
It is an indication of the complete lack of integrity of the powerful fraud ntro employees led by the mhow monster puneet, j srinivasan, parmar, parekh, vijay, that they are shamelessly and falsely claiming that the lazy greedy Google, tata sponsored call girl, robber, fraud raw/cbi employees , who do not pay any money own the internet connection of a harmless private citizen to pay the lazy fraud raw/cbi employees a monthly salary at the expense of the domain investor who has purchased the connection legally.
In some cases the internet connection is used for torture, India claims that all citizens are equal, so why are raw/cbi employees not purchasing and paying for the internet connection, why are they falsely claiming to own the connection of a private citizen for 9 years,

The GREEDY LIAR MEMORY ROBBER ntro employees falsely claim that the only difference between their lazy greedy girlfriends with ROBBED MEMORY like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak caro, is the physics skills, it is gambling when actually the real difference is that their girlfriends in R&AW/cbi are SHAMELESS GREEDY MISERLY LIARS ROBBERS AND FRAUDS who are not willing to even pay for and get their own internet connection legally, they rely on ROBBER LIAR NTRO employees to make fake claims. Not having an office is not a valid excuse for memory robbery.

pampered and privileged ntro employees are not realistic, overestimate the importance of charm.

In India, domain investors are facing a major problem because great powers are given to top ntro employees who have poor judgement, without holding them accountable in any way at all, or preventing abuse of power.
the ntro employees are aware of the fact that their sugar babies like naina chandan, relatives and other bribe givers are unskilled, lazy, mediocre and are least interested in working hard to acquire the language and other skills
Yet they these ntro employees are not realistic, they think that just because their sugar babies,relatives like riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar, nayanshree hathwar, sunaina chodan and bribe givers, are good looking, charming, they will be able to take over the online business
Unlike ecommerce businesses, the online business requires some computer, writing skills, experience which the sugar babies do not have and it will be difficult for them to attract talented people to work for them, since they cannot train others
young people join a business mainly to get experience, and when the sugar babies and the young people all do not have any experience, any skills, how will they provide services to customers outside india

So it is time the ntro,raw,cbi employees are realistic and realize that since they do not have the skills, and experience, they will not be able to take over the online business and stop wasting indian taxpayer money

This Protects My House on the Inside Too

When my father asked me if I had looked into getting ADT in Orlando, I had to tell him the truth. I had not, because I am always running short on time. My days are packed between the time I spend at work, the community work I do, and helping my friend who has major health issues. He told me that I needed to make time, but that is one of those things that I just kept putting on the back burner. Well, Dad took it upon himself to get the information on it so I did not have to.

He wanted to go ahead and order the installation, but he knew that I would need to arrange it in my schedule. Since I do work from home one day a week, that was actually the easy part. He told me that the security system he had picked out for me is actually better than what he was expecting. He knew that the neighborhood I am in is a pretty safe place, but he also knows that criminals can strike anywhere. But, he wanted me to have this system for more than just deterring criminals. Continue reading